Room 9 learning to love the slippery longfin eel

Room 9 shared a book with me in the library and we were all fascinated to learn about the incredible journey our native NZ longfin eels take in order to spawn their eggs in the Fiji Basin. The journey can take up to 6 months and the eels have nothing to eat in this time.

In this story, the eels must overcome adversity as they navigate blockages in their river and almost don’t make it altogether when they get stuck in a fishing net. Luckily the guardian of the river is overseeing their journey and they make it to safety. The eel larvae float in the currents towards New Zealand, finally becoming glass eels and then elvers as they grow into full sized eels.

The Room 9 children have created some beautiful artwork and some lovely writing to share their understanding of this amazing animal which is endemic to New Zealand.

NIWA scientist Don Jellyman has written his own great story which describes briefly the lifecycle and behaviours of longfin eels. Click on the link here to find out more and even you might grow to love these slippery little suckers!

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