The Proudest Blue – being proud of the cultural items we display

To tie in with this week’s sharing of cultural items, the book we have read with our junior students in the library this week is The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad. Ibtihaj is an Olympic Medallist for the USA in fencing and was the first Muslim woman in hijab to represent the US.

In this book, Faizah enjoys her first day at school, made especially exciting because it is also the first day that her older sister Asiya will wear her hijab. The book explores what it means to Faizah and her sister to wear the hijab, and also to overcome the attitude and reactions of children at school who don’t understand their significance.

Faizah remembers the words of her mother each time she faces scrutiny or questions, and one sentence has been particularly well received and discussed during library time:

Don’t carry around the hurtful words that others say. Drop them. They are not yours to keep. They belong only to those who said them.

Ibtihaj Muhammad is a strong role model for girls and describes herself as a change agent, being named in Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential people in the world. Here is her website, have a look:


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